On Monday, 2/12/2024 the Town Council meeting was called to order by Deb Shumate, Town Council President. Other Council members present were Mark Marsee and Drew Olman. All present joined in giving the Pledge of Allegiance.
Meeting Minutes: After reviewing the minutes, from the January 8, 2024 regular meeting, a motion was made by Mark Marsee to approve the minutes. Drew Olman seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and the motion carried.
Claims/Financials/Payroll: After review of the claims and payroll from January 9 — February 12, a motion was made by Drew Olman to approve. Mark Marsee seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and the motion carried.
Town Manager Report: Report for January was submitted and presented by Doug Price.
Town Marshall Report: Report for January was submitted by Phillip Wilson, Town Marshall.
Milan Park Board Report: There was no report.
Old/Continuing Business:
Milan Volunteer Firemen's Contract 2023 & 2024: A motion was made by Drew Olman to approve both the 2023 & 2024 Fireman's Contract & payment. Mark Marsee seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and the motion carried.
New Business:
Meter Re-Read Fee: A motion was made by Mark Marsee to Table. Drew Olman seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and the motion carried.
After Hours Call-In Fee: A motion was made by Mark Marsee to Table. Drew Olman seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and the motion carried.
SIRPC Invoice for $27,000 (40% of Grant Administration services and 100% of Environmental Feek rendered to date for water project): A motion was made by Drew Olman to approve. Mark Marsee seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and the motion carried.
Public Items/Comments on Agenda Items:
Solicitation Approval for Road Block (American Legion Auxiliary) 5/25/24: A motion was made by Drew Olman to approve. Deb Shumate and Mark Marsee abstained. With one vote the motion carried.
Katherine Workman (Rate Increase & Communication Tactics): Ms. Workman asked about the communication process dealing with the rate increase. It was explained that that there are guidelines mandated by the state when it comes to informing the public about projects, such as the drinking water project and those guidelines were followed. It was also stated that engineers (Curry & Associates), attorneys (Bose McKinney & Evans LLP), and certified public accountants (Sherman Barber & Mullikin) have been hired to give guidance to the town as they work through the different stages of the water project.
Blake Robertson (110 Preble St Water Bill for Past 30 Months — No Acct): Mr. Robertson addressed the council about the issue of his water being turned off and what it was going to take to have service restored. The Council confirmed, to have service restored, he would have to open an account and pay for the utilities he had received since 7/11/21.
Janie Vinup asked why the water hadn't been shut off before now. It was explained that in the past, water was left on between tenants so property owners could clean but due to issues, such as this one, that is no longer an option. Once a tenant moves out, water is to be shut off.
Sally Gosmeyer mentioned that the 70th Anniversary celebration of the 1954 State Basketball Championship would be held at Milan High School on March 23rd.
There were no other comments from the public.
As there was no further business to be conducted by the Town Council, Drew Olman made a motion to adjourn and Mark Marsee seconded that motion. The next regular meeting of the Town Council is scheduled to be held March 11, 2024 at 6:30 pm.