On Monday, 3/13/2023, the Town Council meeting was called to order by Deb Shumate, Town Council President. All present joined in giving the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes from the February 13, 2023 meeting was presented. A motion was made by Drew Olman to approve these minutes. Mark Marsee seconded that motion. All Ayes.
Claims/Financials/Payroll: After review of the claims presented, A motion was made by Drew Olman to approve. Mark Marsee seconded that motion. All Ayes.
Town Manager Report: Report was submitted and presented by Doug Price.
Town Marshall Report: Report was submitted by Phillip Wilson, Town Marshall.
Milan Park Board Report: Report was submitted by Derrick Helton.
Misc./Comments/Concerns from Public: There were no comments or concerns from the public.
Old/Continuing Business: There was no Old/Continuing Business to report on.
New Business: Amy Streator from the Ripley County Community Foundation and 3 youth from the Ripley County Youth Outreach Program talked to the board about the initiatives the Youth Outreach are working toward for the Darren Baker Memorial Park. A few of the items mentioned were water bottle dispensers, additional picnic tables, a mural, and Wi-Fi. They also asked the Town Council for a donation of $2500, toward the grant match of $10,000, that is needed for the $20,000 grant that they are applying for. They stated that they have pledges from other groups to help with the match as well. Mark Marsee made a motion to donate $2500 to the Youth Group. Drew Olman seconded that motion. All Ayes. One half of the donation will come out of the Park Fund and the other half will come out of the Park Donations. Deb Shumate stated that it was nice to see and hear, about the youth taking an active part in our community. Doug Price was once again appointed by the Town Council, as a 2023 Representative to the Southeastern Indiana Regional Planning Commission Board of Directors with Mark Marsee making the motion and Drew Olman seconding the motion. All Ayes. Jill Curry, of Curry & Associates talked about Milan receiving the $700K OCRA Grant for the Water Project, what the next steps would be, and some of the requirements for the grant. Requirements for attaining a loan, for the remaining dollars needed for the project was also talked about. Jill Curry, on behalf of Bob Curry presented to the Town Council, an option of a basketball themed, round water tower idea and the pros and cons of this type of tower verses the cylindrical shaped tower already in the plan. Doug Price presented the Town Council with estimates for a new sewer push camera and explained the benefits of this camera. After looking over the estimates, Mark Marsee made a motion to purchase the sewer push camera through Opticam for $8416 and Drew Olman seconded the motion. All Ayes. The purchase will be made out of the ARPA Fund. Derek Helton presented quotes to the Town Council for the new ATV. After looking over the quotes, Drew Olman made a motion to purchase the ATV through Cornerstone Equipment for $11,185 minus $1000 for the trade in of the old ATV and Mark Marsee seconded the motion. All Ayes. The purchase will be made out of the State River Boat Fund. Phillip Wilson presented the Town Council with Quotes on a new truck for the Police Department. After looking through the estimates Drew Olman made a motion to purchase the new truck through Batesville Chrysler for $38,927.25 minus the trade-in of the Dodge Durango. Mark Marsee seconded the motion. All Ayes. $30,000 of the purchase will come out of the General Vehicle Fund with the remaining $8927.25 coming out of the State River Boat Fund. The Town Council was advised that the Water and Sewer Funds were operating in a deficit and there is a total of $319,680 is past due customer accounts for water, sewer, and trash. Mark Marsee made a motion that Ordinance 52.02 and 52.03 start being enforced and Drew Olman seconded that motion. All Ayes.
A motion was made by Drew Olman to adjourn the meeting. Mark Marsee seconded that motion. All Ayes.
Meeting adjourned.