Meeting called to order by Deborah Shumate, Council President, on Monday, January 11, 2021 at 6:30pm. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of December 2020 were presented. There being no correction to said minutes, Mark Marsee made motion to approve, Drew Olman seconded. All ayes. Minutes approves.
Claims/Financials/Payroll: After review of the bills/claims/payroll presented, motion to accept and pay made by Drew, seconded by Mark. All Ayes. Motion carried
Town Manager's Report: Same presented by Doug Price.
Town Marshall's Report: Same presented by Phillip Wilson, Town Marshall.
Milan Park Board Report: Report given by Derek Helton and Debbie Shumate. Basket ball goals are in.
Concerns/Comments from the public:
Connie Brannigan asked if there had been any decision made on her property damage? Debbie ask Attorney Fledderman her opinion on how to proceed. Lynn suggest having an Executive meeting. Debbie told Mrs. Brannigan that they (Council) will reach out to her after the meeting.
Rodney Crabtree ask Council if someone could check into a car that has been parked on Warn St. It hasn't been tagged and has been sitting a long time. Debbie asked Officer Wilson to take care of the situation.
Brian Morrissey asked Council to help with improvements to their property at 706 N Main. He stated that the damage was done over many years of water/sewer issues. Debbie asked him to leave a copy of the estimate he had.
Jane Vinup asked when the road would be open by Hog Rock. Debbie stated that she had been in contact with the owner and they are waiting for the insurance to be settled.
Sally Gosmeyer wanted to ask Council to prepare for the 2021 Christmas walk by getting electricity set up. She also, stated that the property at the end of Carr and Josephine was still looking bad and wanted to know if they could do anything about it.
Old Business:
Attorney Fledderman presented to Council the new contract for Rescue 30. She gave an update on the terms. A question was presented about utility regulations. She said she will look into and get back with Council. This was tabled by a motion from Debbie Shumate and seconded by Mark.
Rodney Crabtree was appointed to the Ripley County Zoning by a motion by Mark and a second by Drew. All ayes. Motion passed.
Doug Price was appointed to the Regional Planning by a motion from Mark and a second by Drew. All ayes. Motion passed.
Jodi Comer gave Council an update on the OCRA Grant and submitted a Contract for Services. Mark made motion to approve contract, Drew seconded. All ayes. Motion approved.
New Business:
Blake Haag spoke on behalf of the property at 619 W Ellis. He has a sale pending and the only drawback will be if the clients can not have the three "therapy" miniature horses they presently own. He ask Council to reconsider the existing Ordinance prohibiting these animals. He has approval from the present adjacent property owners. It was suggested by a motion from Debbie and a second from Drew to table this decision until they can meet in a Special meeting. All ayes. Motion passed. Clerk is instructed to set up a meeting for 1/20/21 at 6:00 pm. An Executive meeting will be conducted first to discuss litigation with a Special meeting to immediately follow.
Miscellaneous Business:
Derek was asked if the sign were ordered prohibiting semi-truck parking. He informed Council they were already in place.
Drew moves to adjourn meeting and Mark seconds. All ayes. Meeting adjourned.
Executive meeting was held on 1/20/21 at 6:00 p.m. with all Council members present along with Attorney Lynn Fledderman. Meeting was held to discuss property damage.
Special meeting was held immediately following Executive meeting on 1/20/2021. All Council members present, along with Attorney Lynn Fledderman. Meeting called to order by Deborah Shumate.
First order of business: Animal zoning to allow miniature horses. After discussing it was determined to deny request. This was done by a motion from Mark Marsee and a second by Drew Olman. All ayes.
Second order of business: Home damage done by backed up sewer water. Drew made motion to hire a contractor and get another estimate, this motion also, was to give authority to Attorney Fledderman to negotiate with home owners. Mark seconded motion. All ayes.
Under Misc. business, Doug informed Council that he intended to apply for a grant from the Baylor Foundation for additional meters.
Motion to adjourn made by Mark and seconded by Drew. All ayes.