Meeting called to order by Deborah Shumate, council President, on Monday November 9, 2020 at 6:30 pm. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of October meetings were presented. Drew Olman made motion to approve all meeting minutes as written, Mark Marsee seconded. All ayes.
Claims/FinanciaIs/Payroll: After review of the utility bills/claims/payroll presented, motion to accept and pay made by Mark, seconded by Drew. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Town Manager's Report: Same presented by Doug Price.
Town Marshall's Report: Same presented by Phillip Wilson, Town Marshall.
Milan Park Board Report: No member of Board Present.
Concerns/Comments from the public:
Connie Branigan asked Council to consider helping her with the sewage back-up repairs needed to her home. Cost to repair exceeds her insurance coverage. Doug Price had already spoke to our insurance company to see if we have any coverage for such a request. We do not. Attorney Fledderman suggest Council collect more information from Mrs. Branigan and take under advisment.
Rodney Crabtree asked Council if anyone has talked to Tim Moriary (grant procurer for the 54 Museum), concerning the street light project? Doug informed Rodney that he is meeting with him tomorrow (11/10/20). Rodney stated that he would like to attend meeting. Mr. Crabtree, also, asked if the sidewalk replacement is going to be delayed? Debby Shumate stated that is on the agenda to be talked about later in the meeting.
Susan Cottingham spoke to Council about her concerns of the condition of W. Carr St. They live at the end and traveling is getting more difficult. She asked if gravel could be put down. Doug said he would contact Holman Excavating and get gravel placed. Mrs. Cottingham, also, asked if we could have Globe Paving remove the equipment occupying the lot across from the '54 Museum. Debby asked Doug and Derek to take care of this.
Sandy Siebert spoke to Council about having her property hooked up to the sewer system. She stated that it has been a two year wait. Doug informed her that the sewer connection is there and it is up to them to actually connect.
Rodney Crabtree spoke again concerning payment for lights. He was instructed to submit a bill to the Town Clerk-Treasurer.
Old/Continuing Business:
Citizen complaint filed with Clerk-Treasurer by Sandy Seibert was addressed again. She stated that there has been additional items added to the previously submitted pictures of debris. Attorney Fledderman will look into the matter and update Council.
Mary McCarty gave an update on the Planning Grant she has been working on for the Town. Due to a change in employment, the application she submitted was not considered. She will submit application again in Jan, 2021. She suggests a letter from the Town may help with consideration. Debby asked Attorney Fledderman if she could draft a letter for submission. Mary asks that we keep collecting information to include with the next grant submission.
Debby gave an update on the paving and sidewalk replacement. Globe will continue project in the spring.
Street closure and Christmas Walk were combined for the next discussion by the Council. Sally Gosmeyer gave an update on the Christmas Walk and submitted a map of the desired streets needed to be blocked. After review closures, Council made a decision to close streets according to map, except for the changes to area past Methodist Church and to have a "soft" closure at the intersection of hwy. 101 and Carr St. This decision was a result of a motion from Drew and a second by Mark. All ayes.
Resolution for Additional Appropriation was presented to Council (purchase of an additional truck). Motion to approve Resolution was made by Mark and seconded by Drew. All ayes.
New Business:
Attorney Fledderman proposed donating the land owned by the Town to the Milan School. This land is where the previous Town Hall was located. Drew made motion to donate to school, Mark seconded. All ayes.
Miscellaneous Business:
Clerk-Treasurer asked for permission to have electrical outlets installed on the outside of the building for the upcoming Christmas Walk. Drew made motion to proceed, Mark seconded. This is to be paid from Riverboat Fund. All ayes.
Sally Gosmeyer wanted to know what was happening with the Town Manager's job vacancy.
Mark explained that Doug and Derek will be taking over the job load until the position is filled. This will not happen until next year. She, also, asked about the new light poles, wondering if a new grant would have to be procured. She was told that this would have to be done.
Drew made motion to adjourn, Mark seconded. All ayes.
Meeting adjourned.