Town of Milan Monthly Meeting Minutes, April 13, 2020

Meeting called to order by Deb Shumate, on Monday, April 13, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. Meeting was held via Facebook stream, due to the Corona Virus. Debbie gave a service announcement on the virus and instructed people to contact the Ripley County Health Dept. with any questions. Debbie Shumate and Mark Marsee were present, Drew Olman was participating via cell phone. All present joined in giving the Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes of March 9, 2020 were presented. There being no corrections, Mark made motion to approve and Drew seconded. All ayes.

Claims/Financials/Payroll: After review Of the claims presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Drew , second by Mark. All ayes. Motion carried.

Town Manager's Report: Same presented by John Ingram, Town Manager.

Town Marshall's Report: Same presented by Drew Olman, representing Phillip Wilson, Town Marshall

Milan Park Board Report: Park Board Absent from meeting.

Concerns/Comments from the public:


Old Business:

Street lights: John has prices for placing lamp post piers & conduit. Cost should be around $8000.00. Debbie stated that the Council needs to decide if the town is willing to cover this cost, helping the Museum. Melissa Teer asks via Facebook where these will be placed. John stated that they will be in the vicinity of the Museum. West Carr, Franklin and Catherine. Drew stated that he doesn't have a problem helping as long as the cost is $8000.00. Mark and Debbie agree with Drew. Debbie suggest putting a cap of no more than $9000.00. Mark makes a motion to do work, Drew seconds. All ayes. Work is to be paid out of Edit.

Dillon Davidson says that his drive on Country Club Lane needs repaired. John will look into the needed repairs. Drew, also, states that Lakeview Drive needs repaired due to the cold patch not holding up. John states that when weather permits they will do hot patching.

John informs Council that all the touch read meters have been used. He asks permission to order another 100 to be paid out of water. Drew makes motion to order, Mark seconds. All ayes.

Debbie wanted to remind people to clean yards and mow. Also, a reminder not to blow grass clipping into the street that can clog drains and cause accidents. She asks Mark and Drew what they think about placing a couple dumpsters for heavy trash, due to the cancellation of the April pick up and possibly the May pick up. Everyone agrees that will be a good idea. John will contact Best Way and set it up. Announcement will be on the water bills and also on the Facebook page.

Council instructs the Clerk to contact everyone having an upcoming 4 corners solicitation in the months of April and May. This will be to cancel event due to the quarantine.

New Business:

Marking Police vehicles: Due to the concern of the public, Debbie would like to have the Police cars marked. Mark agrees. Motion to have cars marked as soon as possible was made by Debbie and seconded by Mark. Motion passed.

Parking in front of Town Hall: Again due to the concern of the public, limited parking was suggested. Parking will be governed during business hours to allow access for customers. This will be from 8 to 4, Monday through Friday. Mark made motion and Drew seconded. All ayes.

Sewer pump: Doug Price left quotes with the Clerk to present to Council for the purchase of a new pump. John suggested going with the lower price quote. Mark made motion to purchase and Drew seconded. All ayes.


People needing help. Debbie asks all viewers to help anyone in need during these times. Anyone needing help, please reach out.

Town Manager John Ingram states that the area from Main St. to the post office will need sewer repair and will cost approximately $40 to $45 thousand. Council asks John to go ahead and get bids.

Mark makes motion to adjourn meeting, second by Drew. All ayes.