Meeting called to order by Deb Shumate, on Monday Oct. 14, 2019 at 6:30pm. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance.
First order of business: 2020 Budget Adoption. Deb made motion to accept and Drew Olman seconded. Budget adopted.
Regular Town council meeting was opened by Deb Shumate. With the resignation of Floyd Fox, Debby opened nomination of Council President. Drew made motion for Debby Shumate as President. Debra Fugate Hackman, Clerk Treasurer, seconded. Motion passed.
Deb Shumate made motion to nominate Drew Olman as Vice President. Debra Fugate Hackman seconded. Motion passed.
Minutes of September 9, 2019 meeting were presented to Council. There being no correction to said minutes, Drew made motion to approve, Deb Shumate seconded. All ayes.
Claims/Financials/Payroll: After review of the claims presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Drew, seconded by Deb Shumate. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Town Manager's Report: Same presented by John Ingram, Town Manager.
Town Marshall's Report: Same presented by Phillip Wilson, Town Officer.
Milan Park Board Report: No report given.
Concerns/Comments from the public:
Sally Gosmeyer had questions concerning money for roads. She wanted to know if we could apply for the upcoming Community Crossing Grant.
Phyllis Coe asked for clarification on the lift station in the Park.
Sally Gosmeyer thanked Deb Hackman and John Ingram for getting the heavy trash picked up for the Beautification Comm.
Janie Vinup brought up the need for improvements in front of the Blue Olive and Town Hall concerning handicap accessibility. She also, asked the Town to purchase a butt bucket to place in front of the building so people would have a place to throw cigarettes instead of on the ground before they entered the building.
Sally Gosmeyer inquired about the apartments across from Hog Rock. Her concern was about a grill and a heater on the sidewalk. She was concerned someone could be injured. John Ingram stated that the owners had been contacted once concerning this issue and the items were moved. Deb Shumated asked Officer Wilson to follow up on this issue.
Old Business:
Ordinance 10-14-2019-1 was presented to Council. Motion was made to adopt under the suspension of rules by Drew and seconded by Deb Shumate.
Motion to adopt was made on 1st reading of same Ordinance by Deb Shumate, seconded by Drew. Motion passed
Motion to adopt on second reading of Ordinance 10-14-2019-1 was made by Deb Shumate, Drew seconded. Motion passed. All ayes. Ordinance adopted.
Drew made motion to adopt on first reading of Ordinance 10-14-2019-2, Deb Shumate seconded. Motion passed.
Deb Shumate gave an update on the estimated timeline for the waste water project.
Invoice from Robinson Pipe Cleaning was presented to Council for approval. Council approved invoice submitted. Deb Shumate made motion to make payment, Drew seconded. All Ayes.
New Business:
Miscellaneous Business:
John Ingram asked Council for permission to have help drawing specs for sidewalks.
David Kelly rescinds his offer of $100,000.00 to Town for purchase of Golf Course. He also asked John if letters have been sent out to property owners concerning mowing. John informed him that he (John) had been told to mow properties. The town attempted to mow the properties in question, but, the mower keeps breaking down. Mr. Kelly asked if we have any intention of sending out letters. John said he will take care of it.
Debby Shumate moves to adjourn meeting and Drew Olman Seconds. Meeting adjourned