Meeting called to order by Don Call, Council President. All Council members present. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance.
Solicitation request presented for the American Legion to collect money for the upcoming fireworks. Motion to approve and waive fees made by Debbie, Floyd seconded. All ayes.
Parking on Main St. was discussed. Debbie suggested putting a stop sign on Main and Carr and also, at North by D.J.'s. Floyd asked Officer Wilson about the traffic study he conducted previously. Officer Wilson gave them the number of vehicles traveling on Main during a specific time frame.
Debbie's second suggestion was to extend the yellow line on the West side of S. Main.
Dave Kelly stated we need to enforce what we have posted now, as someone is going to get injured at this location.
Don suggested sending a letter to the owner of Hog Rock concerning the loading and unloading of trucks. He can then address this with his delivery drivers. Don asked John to contact Tom Beard about his opinion on extending the yellow line on the opposite side of the street. Don asked the Clerk-Treasurer to add to the upcoming Council meeting the issue of addressing the stop sign, yellow line and the loading and unloading zone.
Town clean up: Debbie stated that she was looking for an Ordinance addressing the issue of unmowed grass. She has been in contact with the school concerning Best Effort Day. We could utilize the kids to have them help with various clean up efforts. Ryan Langferman stated that this probably would not be happening this year. Debbie suggested sending letters to rental property owners and businesses to clean up properties. She would like to include a notice on the upcoming billing to address clean up of properties. She stated that Susan Cottingham has agreed to write an article to post in the Beacon newspaper. Don agreed with the suggestions made by Debbie. She would also like to dedicate the week of 6/10 thru 6/16 as Milan Clean Up Days. The suggestion to utilize the Ripley county inmates was made. John informed the Council that they can't be used to do work on private property. Debbie would like to note that she would like the Council to stay on top of this issue and also address no grass clippings blown into the streets. Officer Wilson stated that he thought there was already an Ordinance addressing this issue.
Also, under clean-up, Debbie would like an Ordinance on the placement of modular homes within the Town limits. She stated she has been in contact with Osgood and they have an Ordinance on this issue. She stated that modular would be anything not considered stick built home. Debbie stated she thinks this is something we need to look into to keep out the modular/mobile homes.
Floyd asked how we are going to define modular? John suggests square footage. Don commented that we need to check with Lynn.
Payment of C/HM: Don Call made suggestion to pay from Riverboat fund. Floyd made motion and Debbie seconded. All ayes.
John asked Council for permission to hire extra help with mowing. Debbie made motion to hire with Floyd seconding. All ayes. Position will be paid out of extra labor.
Council asked John to check into the Verizon cell phone contract concerning the addition of phones for Zack and the future hire for the police dept.
Debbie Shumate motions to adjourn and Floyd Fox seconds. All Ayes. Meeting adjourned.