Meeting called to order by Vice President, Floyd Fox, on Monday July 8, 2019 at 6:30pm. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance. Due to the resignation of Don Call, Deb Shumate was the only other council member present.
First order of business: Election of new President. Deb Shumate made motion to nominate Floyd Fox. Clerk-Treasurer, Debra Fugate Hackman made motion to second. Motion passed. Floyd Fox is the new President. Floyd made motion to nominate Deb Shumate as Vice-President, Deb Fugate Hackman seconded. Motion passed. Deborah Shumate is the new Milan Town Council Vice-President.
Bid openings for sanitation contract. Both bidding parties represented. Rumpke opened 1st, Best Way 2nd . After review and discussion of both bids, Council would like to table bids while Lynn looks into some matters. Floyd made motion to table, Deb seconded. All ayes.
Minutes of June 10 and July 2, 2019 were presented to Council. Minutes from both Meetings were approved as written. Deb making the motion to approve with Floyd seconding. All ayes. Minutes approved.
Claims/Financials/Payroll: After review of the claims presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Deb Shumate, seconded by Floyd Fox. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Town Manager's Report: Same presented by John Ingram, Town Manager. Mr. Ingram asked Council if they would like to proceed with the crack/seal. If so, he would like permission to purchase and proceed. Deb Shumate made motion to proceed and purchase, Floyd seconded. Motion passed. This purchase will be paid from the MVH fund.
Town Marshall's Report: Same presented by Marshal Wilson.
Milan Park Board Report: No report.
Concerns/Comments from the public: The issue of speeding on Mill Rd. was presented to Council. Floyd stated that the Police are already running radar in that area. Making a 4 way stop behind Tom Tepe was discussed. Council will take this option under advisement. A possible speed bump was also suggested.
Sally Gosmeyer asked Council for approval in purchasing a sandwich board to advertise events in the Town. This purchase would be made by the Beautification Committee. Both Council members had no issue with such a purchase. Mrs. Gosmeyer also asked who writes the grant for the roads. Floyd stated that he and John were working on the grant.
Rita Ester asked Council to inform Town Workers to slow down when driving through Town. John Ingram said he would take care of this.
Old Business:
Ordinance 7-8-2019-1 (prohibited parking on Main St.) was presented to Council. Deb Shumate made motion to pass under suspension of rules. Floyd seconded. All ayes.
Motion to adopt Ordinance 7-8-2019-1, 1st reading, motion made by Deb Shumate, seconded by Floyd Fox. All ayes. Motion passed.
Motion to adopt Ordinance 7-8-2019-1, 2 nd reading, motion made by Deb Shumate, seconded by Floyd Fox. All ayes. Motion passed. Ordinance will be published and go into effect 30 days later.
Mike Carpenter asked for clarification on Ordinance 7-8-2019-1.
Resolution 6-10-2019-1 (discontinuing alternate date on solicitation requests) was presented to Council. Both members of Council signed Resolution.
Payment on upcoming sewer televising was discussed. Deb made motion to pay using River Boat fund. Floyd seconded. All ayes. Payment to be made out of River Boat fund.
Completion date set for 7/31/2019 for the Income Survey.
New Business:
Bill for Kristy Sams was presented to Council for consideration of waiving extra charges from pool fill. Deb Shumate made motion to waive extra water and sewer charges, Floyd seconded. All ayes. Motion passed.
Purchasing of new sewage pumps was discussed by Council. Floyd made motion to purchase pumps, to be paid out of sewer funds. Deb S
Miscellaneous Business: Floyd thanked Deb Shumate for all the hard work she put into the "Clean up Milan week". She did a great job.
Sally Gosmeyer asked why there has been a car parked along hwy. 101 for 3 weeks and if the police were aware of someone living in the park. Officer Wilson stated he is trying to locate the owner of the car and he is aware of the park issue. Deb made motion to adjourn, Floyd seconded. All ayes.
Meeting adjourned.