Meeting called to order by Don Call, council President, on Monday Feb. 11, 2019 at 6:30pm. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance. All Council members present.
Minutes Of Jan. 14, 2019 were presented to Council. Minutes from January Meetings were approved as written. Deb Shumate making the motion to approve with Floyd Fox seconding. All ayes. Minutes approved.
Claims/Financials/payroll: After review of the claims presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Floyd Fox, seconded by Deb Shumate. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Town Manager's Report: Same presented by John Ingram, Town Manager.
Town Marshall's Report: Same presented by Phillip Wilson, Town Marshall.
Milan Park Board Report: Same presented by Joyce Call.
Concerns/Comments from the public:
Old Business:
Approval was requested from Council for the appointment of Shelly Bruce to the Park Board. Deborah Shumate made motion to accept, Floyd Fox seconded. All Ayes. Motion passed.
Solicitation request for the Milan Ladies Aux and Milan Youth Cheer were approved (with waiver of fees), by a motion from Floyd Fox. Deb Shumate made second motion to accept. All Ayes. Motion passed.
Attorney Lynn Fledderman presented to Council three different polices requested by the SBOA.
Council will review forms and present input. Attorney Fledderman will draft required Ordinances. Motion to table until next meeting was made by Deb Shumate, Floyd seconded. All Ayes
New Website was discussed by Council. Floyd Fox made motion to give job to Smith Software Innovations, Deb Shumate seconded. All ayes. Motion carried
Floyd gave an update on the Community Crossing Grant. Still in review as of today.
Sewer televising/opening bids-David Talbott from Curry Associates did opening of bids. Deb Shumate made motion to take bids under advisement until pending review. Floyd Fox seconded. All ayes.
New Business:
Meter tampering was discussed and tabled until Attorney Fledderman can look into an Ordinance to address the issue.
ADA Coordinator appointment given to John Ingram by a motion from Don Call, seconded by Deb Shumate. All ayes.
Miscellaneous Business:
Motion was made by Floyd Fox to pay for website from Riverboat Fund, because it was not included in Budget. Deb Shumate seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.
Don Call gave an update on the Lake and asked for Council approval to sign the contract for current year treatment. Floyd Fox made motion to sign and Deb Shumate seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.
Deb Shumate made motion to adjourn, Floyd Fox seconded. All ayes.
Meeting adjourned.