Meeting called to order by Noel Houze, Council President, on Monday January 8, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. Council member Melissa Baker was absent. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of December 11, 2017 were presented. There being no correction to said minutes, Don Call made motion to approve. Noel Houze seconded. All ayes. Approved.
Claims/Financials: After review of the bills presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Noel Houze, seconded by Don Call. Motion carried.
Town Manager's Report: Same presented by John Ingram, Town Manager.
Doug Price presented 3 requests for improvements to the Sewer Dept. First request was for replacement of sewer lines from Stone St. into the Trailer Court along Ripley ST. New line would be increased to 3 in pipe, this would save wear and tear and lower the electric bill. Bids were presented. Don Call moves to accept lower bid by Lykins. Noel Houze seconds. All ayes.
Second request was for an alarm system, supplied by Sensaphone, to be installed at the Sewer Plant. This would indicate a failure such as a blower, pump or other system failure. This system would also include a yearly maintenance fee. Don Call moves to accept request and Noel Houze seconds. All ayes.
Third request was for the installation of a mixer for the digester. This system would alleviate the need to get in the tanks and clean. After discussing, it was decided to table request until Council member Melissa Baker could be a part of the decision.
Town Marshall's Report: Same presented by Phillip Wilson, Town Officer.
Milan Park Board Report: Same as presented by Debby Schumate.
Concerns/Comments from the public:
Old Business:
Street rename was tabled until good service was confirmed from all notified property owners. Clerk has received only 4 confirmations from the Certified letters mailed.
Ordinance 18-01-08-1 (Parking along Franklin St) was presented to Council. Council accepted 1st reading with a change to be made to increase to 30ft. Don Call made motion with Noel Houze seconding. All ayes.
New Business:
Flag pole at the intersection of Hwy 101 and Carr St was discussed. A concerned citizen brought to attention that there was not a light on the Flag. John Ingram has discussed installation of a solar light with Rodney Crabtree. John will look into the cost and inform Council.
Upcoming Election - Lynn Fledderman presented Council with options concerning the upcoming election. Because of the lack of a Primary Ordinance, any candidate seeking reelection will have to file Can-16 and participate in a Town Convention if 2 or more people in the same party file for the same position. This Convention will be the responsibility of the local Democrat/Republican parties. Att. Fledderman also suggested to Council to put into action a Primary Ordinance concerning election, for future elections.
Miscellaneous Business:
Clerk brought to the attention of Council a change to the payment of Ordinance Violations. Payment was previously made at the Versailles Court. It is now the responsibility of the Town to collect any fines imposed. Attorney Lynn Fledderman will look into the changes and inform Council how to proceed.
Don Call motions to adjourn and Noel Houze seconds. All Ayes. Meeting adjourned.