Meeting called to order by Noel Houze, council President, on Monday September 11, 2017 at 6:30pm. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of August 14, 2017 were presented. Don Call made motion to accept as written. Melissa Baker seconded. Motion carries with ail ayes.
Claims/Financials: After review of the bills presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Melissa Baker, seconded by Don Call. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Public Hearing on Budget: Melissa Baker motioned to pass Budget with Don Call seconding. All ayes. Motion carried.
Town Manager's Report: Same presented by John Ingram, Town Manager.
Town Marshall's Report: Same presented by Terry Wilson, Deputy Town Marshall.
Milan Park Board Report: Same presented by Susan Houze.
Concerns/Comments from the public:
Matthew Chastain spoke on behalf of the citizens wanting the Ordinance banning side by sides and ATV's reconsidered. He would like to set a date for the Council and the citizens to discuss the issue. Noel Houze set a date for 9/26/17 @ 6:30 at the Milan Town Hall.
Chris Kelly presented to the Council his proposal for the property he owns at 901 N Main St. This property is currently zoned residential and he is wanting to rezone to business for future improvements. Presented to Council was a recommendation from the Ripley County Area Plan Commission favoring the change. After some discussion on the possibility of fuel tanks still in place on the property and Mr. Kelly’s acknowledgement that this may true, he assured Council he would incur the cost of removal. He asked for Council to approve Ordinance 09-11-17-1, changing zoning. Melissa Baker made motion to approve with Don Call seconding. All ayes. Motion carried.
Matthew Chastain spoke again wondering how many citations or warnings have been issued since the ban has been in effect and if anyone other than himself has been in contact with the Council concerning any organized group meeting? Melissa Baker stated that there has not been any contact concerning setting up a meeting.
Sandy Siebert gave an update on the property at 501 Franklin and wanted the Council to be aware that work will be starting.
Old Business:
Water Tower Maintenance was discussed in regards to the increased cost after inspection. An additional Contract was submitted to Council regarding increase. Also, submitted was a long term Maintenance Contract. After much discussion, approval to pay the additional cost of sandblasting and the application of epoxy to the inside of tower was approved by a motion from Don Call and Melissa Baker seconding. All ayes. Motion carried. Attorney Lynn Fledderman will review the long-term Maintenance Contract and advise Council.
New Business:
Solicitation Requests presented to Council from Nancy Hershman Memorial Scholarship for
11/18/17 and for Friends of Milan Football for 10/14/17. Both events will be conducted from 8 to 11. Melissa Baker moves to waive fee and approve solicitation requests. Don Call Seconds. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Halloween hours set for 10/31/17 between 5 to 7.
Don Call moves to adjourn meeting, Melissa Baker Seconds. All Ayes.
Meeting adjourned.