Meeting called to order by Noel Houze, council President, on Monday May 8, 2017 at 6:30pm. All council members present. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of April 10, 2017 were presented. There being no correction to said minutes, they were approved. Melissa Baker made motion to approve, Don Cail seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.
Claims/Financials: After review of the bills presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Don Call, seconded by Melissa Baker. All Ayes. Motion carried
Town Manager's Report: presented by John Ingram, Town Manager. Doug Price has quotes on UV lights. Noel Houze suggested having a pump on hand in case of a breakdown. Cost of an additional pump was discussed as well as repair to one the Town already owns.
Town Marshall's Report: presented by Phillip Wilson, Town Officer
Park Board: Cis Call gave Park report. Fireworks will take place July 1, the same day as the 5k Race.
Concerns/Comments from the public:
Sandy Siebert voiced concerns for the residents of Vine Street stating that the Street is in need of repair. She asked the Town to place gravel in the holes in the street. John Ingram told her they would fill in the holes, but could not pave anything right now. Noel Houze assured her that if the Town gets additional funding from the State, that the worst Streets would receive priority for paving. She also, informed the Board that Frontier and Duke would be moving service poles by 506 Ripley St. and they would be needing sewer and water tap to the property. John suggested a 6" line for fire protection. She needs sewer and water also at 501 Franklin, and asked if service is already there. John Ingram will check into service at this location.
Old Business:
Don Call made a motion to pay Milan Fire Dept and Rescue 30, with Melissa Baker seconding. All ayes. Motion carried. Don will check with Mike Alloway about who to make check out to concerning Rescue 30.
New Business:
Don Call stated that Burdette Builders will donate labor to repair the Park stage if the Town pays for materials. Don makes motion to pay, with Melissa Baker seconding. All ayes. Motion carried. Payment for materials will come from Riverboat Fund.
Pike Lumber Tax Abatements presented to Board. Board saw no reason to believe they were not in compliance. Noel Houze signed forms: Copies given to Lynn Fledderman and Gary Norman.
Solicitation request for Milan Lion's club for June 17, 2017 was approved with fee waived. Don Call made motion and Melissa Baker seconded. All ayes.
Solicitation for Nancy Hershman was tabled until September meeting.
Resolution 5-8-17-R-I (Ruth & Chester Baylor Playground) and Resolution 5-8-17-R-2 (Pike Lumber Compliance) were both approved. Melissa Baker made motion with Don Call seconding. All ayes.
Misc. Business:
Noel Houze addressed the crowd concerning the improvements to the Park. There have been comments made about all the money being put into renovations and he wanted the public to know these have not been funded by the Town. The Town has helped with some request for funds, but the majority of the work being done has been paid by the Park through Grants and fundraising. He wanted everyone to know that the Board always has the best interest of the community in mind when making any decisions.
Melissa Baker makes a motion to adjourn as there were no more issues. Don Call seconds. All ayes.
Meeting Adjourned...