Meeting called to order by Noel Houze, Council President, on Monday December 11* 2017 at 6:30pm. Ail Council members present. All present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of November 13, 2017 were presented. There being no correction to said minutes, Melissa Baker made motion to approve, Don Call seconded. Ail ayes. Approved.
Claims/Financials: After review of the bills presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Melissa Baker, seconded by Don Cal. All Ayes. Motion carried
Town Manager's Report: Same presented by John Ingram, Town Manager.
Town Marshall's Report: Same presented by Phillip Wilson, Town Officer.
Milan Park Board Report: No Board member present. Don Call reported that they were waiting for new playground equipment to be delivered. They would then be ready to open bids for installation.
Concerns/Comments from the public:
Matt Chastain thanked the Council for working with the community in lifting the ban on motorized ATV's.
Sally Gosmeyer asked about a house in Town that is in need of attention, stating it has a door open and is neglected. John Ingram stated that he is aware of the property and asked Attorney Lynn Fledderman if plywood could be installed by the town. Any work done to property should be billed to property owner. John has tax info and will send to Attorney Fledderman. Attorney Fledderman also suggest putting a lien against property for work that has already been done, such as weed killer and grass mowed.
Old Business:
No business presented.
New Business:
Fund transfer request was approved by the Council for the negative balance left in the Firework Fund from previous years. The amount of $250.00 will be moved from the Revenue Sharing Fund to the Firework Fund. Melissa Baker made motion to move funds with Don Call seconding. All ayes. Motion passed.
Scott Kohlmeier presented a request for a section of South Main to be renamed Kohlmeier Way in honor of his family and their involvement in the community. The section from Hwy 101 to Ellis would be the area renamed if approved. Council asked what this would involve and Attorney Fledderman stated that all addresses along this route would have to be notified. She will work with the Clerk and draft a letter to be sent certified mail to each location. She can also write up an Ordinance.
Bids were opened for the Culvert project. Two bids were submitted, Holman Excavating and C & H/M Excavating. Don Call made motion to take bids under advisement and hold Special meeting on 12/18/17 to make final decision. Melissa Baker seconded. Al! ayes. Motion carried. Clerk instructed to set meeting to discuss bids and salary resolution for 2018.
Miscellaneous Business:
Noel Houze introduced new Officer Isaac Veid.
Melissa Baker moves to adjourn meeting and Don Call Seconds. All ayes. Meeting adjourned.