Meeting called to order by Noel Houze, councii President, on Monday April 10, 2017 at 6:30 pm. All Present joined in giving the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of March 13, 2017 were presented. There being no addition to said minutes, Don Call made a motion to approved as written, with Melissa Baker seconding. All ayes.
Claims/Financials: After review, motion to accept and pay claims was made by Melissa Baker, seconded by Don Call. All ayes. Motion carried.
Town Manager's Report: Same presented by John Ingram, Town Manager.
Town Marshall's Report: Same presented by Phillip Wilson, Town Officer.
Milan Park Board Report: Same presented by Cis Call.
Concerns/Comments from the public:
Julie Robinson presented before the Board two request. One was for a waiver of the Town tap on fee. Don Call made motion to waive with Melissa Baker seconding. All ayes. The second request was for the Board to consider a time extension of new tap on fees, so Mrs. Robinson might recoup some of the cost for construction. She was asking for 15 yrs instead of the normal 10 yrs. Melissa Baker made a motion to extend the time, with Don Call seconding. All ayes.
A citizen asked if there is a map of the current paving being done. Noel Houze explained all of the streets that were being paved.
Another question was asked about Kasey's and if it was still going in. John Ingram said it is still going in, just not sure when they are going to start.
Old Business:
New Police cruiser-After exact pricing is presented, the Council made the decision to go with the Dodge Ram truck. Melissa Baker made the motion with Don Call seconding. Officer Wilson will get the necessary information for the Council.
Anita Pitts gave a report on the progress of the Christmas lights. She also offered an invitation to do something environmental for the Town or the Park as a project for the Lions Club. John and Noel suggested they wait until after the 2nd week in May, after the school has completed their project.
She also, wanted to know if they would be able to soliciate the 4 way stop to raise money for the 4th of July fireworks. Council did not see any reason why they could not do this and welcomed the idea of helping with the funding.
Election Ordinance-Final reading. Melissa Baker made motion to pass. Don Call Seconded. All ayes.
New Business:
Resolution 2017-4-1 for Pike Lumber was presented. Don Call made a motion to accept with Melissa Baker seconding. All ayes.
Sealed Bids for South Main St project were presented. Melissa Baker made a motion to accept bid from Holman Excavating. Don Call seconded. All ayes.
Soliciation request presented for Milan Women Legion. Request approved with a waiver of fees. Melissa Baker made motion with Don Call seconding. All ayes.
Letter of support and request for assistance from Ripley County Emergency Management was presented. Don Call made motion to assist with the request in the amount of $450.00, with Melissa Baker seconding. All ayes. Letter for grant signed.
Miscellaneous Business:
Farm lease was presented to Board for approval. Melissa Baker made motion to approve with Don Call seconding. All ayes.
Council reviewed summer job applications and will leave the final decision to Town Manager.
Melissa Baker made motion to have John Ingram make decision. Don Call seconded. All ayes.
Roselyn Mckittrick voiced her concern for the state of appearance of the Town. She would like the Town to look nice for when people come to view the Museum. She stated various problems within the Town that needed improvement and wondered what could be done about theme Noel Houze discussed the options the Town has to enforce upkeep. He suggested that she bring to the attention of the Council the properties needing looked into and they will see what can legally be done.
Randy Ashcraft addressed the Council as to the proposed subdivision being put in across from his home. Noel Houze informed him the property was under the supervision of the County and the Town has no power over what is being proposed and making sure it is cleaned up. Milan Town Council was approached by the landowner only in the regard of tapping onto the Town's sewer and water.
Don Call makes a motion to adjourn with Melissa Baker Seconding. Meeting adjourned.