Meeting called to order by Noel Houze, Council President, on Monday, June 13, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. All town council members were present. All Present joined in giving the Pledge of Allegiance,
Minutes of May 9, 2016, were presented. There being no additions, corrections, or deletions to said minutes, they were approved.
Claims/Financials: After review, motion to accept and pay claims made by Melissa Baker, second by Don Call. Motion carried. All Ayes.
Town Manager's report: Same presented by John Ingram, Town Manager.
Town Marshal's Report: Same presented by Officer Phillip Wilson.
Milan Park Board Report: Same presented by Cis Call.
Concerns/Comments from the public:
Rita Ester asked about the $5000.00 allotted for additional help. Wondering if the town could hire summer help with this money? Council will look into this.
Citizen wanting update on Pond progress and questioning why it was so low, There are no updates at this time and the pond was lowered so work could progress.
Question was presented as to who is responsible for feral cats in certain neighborhoods. Noel Houze said to contact the county as they are responsible. He suggests to try and catch and call county.
Another concern about unkempt properties: Noel Houze said to contact the town and we will inform the town's attorney, so they could send the property owner notice.
Versailles American Legion Riders asked for information on obtaining permission to solicit at the 4 corners. A form was given to representative.
Old Business:
Brian McBride, representing the American Legion, gave his presentation on the festivities planned for the 4th of July. He requested three things from the town for the event.
Council would like a copy of liability insurance on file for fireworks/bouncy house. Questioned if there would be any need for electricity at any of the booths and if there would be anything the Park Board could do to help.
Only request from Park Board would be to have the Park clean before festivities.
Noel Houze asked if there would be any other need from Town Police. Has the Fire Dept. and Rescue been contacted?
Mr. McBride stated there would not be any other need from Town Police, Fire Dept. had been contacted and that he would get in touch with Rescue 30.
New quotes from ETC : Abby Gunter gave presentation on new quote.
Ordinance #6-13-16-01, Internal Controls was presented to Council by Attorney Larry Eaton for adoption. Don Call motion to adopt with Melissa Baker seconding. All ayes.
Contract with Rescue 30 presented. Melissa Baker motions to accept with Don Call seconding. All ayes. Also, Noel Houze suggest making sure this is budgeted for next year.
Contract with Rumpke signed by Council President, Noel Houze.
New Business:
Solicitation request for June 18, 2016 for Milan Softball presented with request to waive fees. Motion to accept by Don CAII with a second by Melissa Baker. All ayes.
Solicitation request presented by American Legion Riders for July 23, 2016, with request to waive fees. Melissa motion to accept with Don Call seconding. All ayes.
Request from Lifetime Resources for $1000.00 donation was tabled until working on 2017 budget.
Melissa Baked s request for Council's approval for authorization to obtain information from Gateway was approved. This will be used for working on 2017 Budget,
Estimate on Police cruiser presented. Noel asked if this is the only estimate. Officer Wilson, stated it was. Noel Houze suggested we hold off on any decision until we find out if the other person has insurance. Other Council agrees.
Melissa Baker moves to adjourn meeting, second by Don Call. Meeting Adjourned.