Meeting called to order by Noel Houze, council President, on Monday July 12, 2016 at 6:30pm. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of June 13,2016 were presented. Minutes from June Meeting were approved as written.
Claims/FinanciaIs: After review, motion to accept and pay claims made by Melissa Baker, seconded by Don Call. All Ayes Motion carried.
Town Manager's Report: Same presented by John Ingram, Town Manager.
Town Marshall's Report: Same presented by Gary Skaggs, Town Marshall
Milan Park Board Report: Same presented by Cis Call
Concerns/Comments from the public:
Bicentennial Committee would like to request permission to spray paint a design on the road for when the torch is carried through Town. This will be on Carr Street. Noel Houze sees no problem and suggest motion from Council. Melissa makes motion to allow design. Don Call seconds. All ayes.
Bicentennial Committee was asked about route of parade. The parade will pass down Hwy 101 to Carr ST. Make a turn and return to Hwy 101.
It was brought to the Council's attention that a LED sign on E Carr St was causing some issues with local residents. The sign was so bright it was causing problems with trying to sleep and also with motorist coming down the road at night. Noel Houze addresses attorney Lynn Fledderman as to what can be done. Attorney Fledderman suggest looking into our Ordinances to see if this is addressed. Noel suggest creating an Ordinance if one is not in place and in the meantime having the resident contact the business and see if anything can be done. Resident informed the Council that they had already done so.
Tom Cooksey inquired about the proposed Dog Park, stating he would like to volunteer to start the process. Melissa Baker suggest talking to the Park Board and getting the Master Plans from the Town Manager.
Deanna Demott inquired as to what ever happened to the proposed plans for a Skate Park?
Council informed that the plans were approved, but, nothing was ever done. She also, wondered who to contact about stray cats. Noel suggest Animal Control or the Humane Society. He informed her the Town has a tray to catch and transport if necessary.
Tom Cooksey inquired if there is a stray dog Ordinance? If he is having a problem, he should contact the Animal Control.
Old Business:
Grant for Roads: Noel Houze has been working on a grant with INDOT. The Town of Milan has to have a 50/50 matching funds. Don Call makes a motion to allocate $70,000.00. Melissa Baker seconds. All ayes.
ETC Cable/phone: Melissa Baker states that it will cost a little more in the initial startup, but that it will prove to be a good move. She states that she has been in touch with various business in the area that have switched and everyone is pleased with the service. Melissa Baker makes a motion to switch to ETC. Don Call seconds. All ayes. Clerk is to contact Representative and initiate move.
Collection of old accounts: Melissa Baker informed the Council that the previous Council had made the decision to clear old accounts starting at 2013 and back. Town Clerk and Melissa will be working on applying deposits and getting past due accounts sent to collections. Town Manager John Ingram will try and locate a collection company willing to help with this matter. Noel asks for a motion to turn over to collection. Melissa Baker makes motion. Don Call seconds. All ayes.
Park Board Representative Cis Call would like to thank everyone involved in helping with the 5k Race. She stated that it was a huge success and that it will become an Annual Event. She further states that the community involvement and support was amazing. Noel Houze states that he and the Council are very appreciative of all the good work the Park Board has accomplished. Debby Schumate states that the Park Board will work on collecting from the various sports teams for use of the Park Fields.
Town Manager John Ingram brought up the issue of not being able to spend any funds made from the 5k until next year. Any funds made this year cannot be used until the following year. Melissa Baker states that there may be an allotment coming from the County that can be used for any improvements. Debby Schumate brought up the issue of repairs needed for the bathrooms at the Park. Council assured her that there was a previous allotment of $7,500.00 set aside from the River Boat Rainy Day Fund to use for this purpose. The Park Board needs to get 3 quotes for works needed before approval can be made. There was a question as to advertising the bids. John Ingram stated that anything under $25,000.00 does not have to be advertised. Attorney Fledderman suggest to Park Board to compile a list of repairs needed.
New Business:
Solicitation Application was presented for the MMS Cheerleader. They are asking to collect at the 4 corners on August 6, 2016 and for the fee to be waived. Melissa Baker makes a motion to approve the application and to waive the fee. Don Call seconds. All ayes.
After discussing the increase to the Town for Rumpke recycling, it is determined that an increase is needed. John Ingram recommends an increase of $13.00 per month for I garbage container and 1 recycling bin with an additional garbage bin cost of $3.00. Don Call makes a motion for the increase with Melissa Baker seconding. All ayes.
The Preliminary Budget was not ready to present by Melissa Baker. She stated that she needs to consult with John Ingram on some issues.
Approval Of IOCRA/CSX payment application was presented to Council. This was supplied by Jodi Comer. After review Noel suggested Council makes a motion to accept. Melissa Baker makes motion. Don Call seconds. All ayes.
Lexmark maintenance agreement was presented to Council. Council stated that they had already approved at previous meeting.
Miscellaneous Business:
Don Call states there are two trees behind the stage in the Park that need cut down. He has a proposed estimate to have them cut down. This estimate is between $500.00 to $600.00. He also says he may have someone who will do it for free. He will keep Council updated. He says Pike Lumber is still working on finding trees for the work still needed on bleachers.
Noel Houze asks for motion to adjourn. Melissa Baker makes motion to adjourn. Don Call seconds. All ayes.
Meeting Adjourned.