Meeting called to order by Noel Houze, Council President, on Monday December 12, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. All present joined in giving the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of November 14, 2016 were presented. There being no corrections, Don Call made a motion to accept with Melissa Baker seconding. All ayes. Motion carried.
Claims/Financials: After review, motion to accept and pay claims was made by Melissa Baker with Don Call seconding. All ayes. Motion carried.
Town Manager's Report: Report given.
Town Marshall's Report: Presented by Phillip Wilson.
Milan Park Board Report: No report.
Concerns/Comments from the public:
Julie Robinson presented to the Council her desire to have sewer extended to her property. She expressed a desire for the Town to get bids/estimates for the work needed. Don Call made a motion to proceed with project with Melissa Baker seconding. All ayes.
Phyllis Coe had a question about a house that she had heard was being torn down to make way for the new gas station. John Ingram told her they would not be tearing it down.
Old Business:
Paul Hildenbrand gave a report on the changes to Rescue 30 with the County's involvement. He was asking for the Council's agreement. Melissa made a notion to sign the agreement with Don Call seconding. All ayes. The money given by the Town annually will now go to the County.
Lynn Fledderman review the contract with Char's accounting and could see no reason to not proceed with switching to a new accountant. Don Call made a motion to terminate immediately with Melissa Baker seconding. All ayes.
2017 Salary Resolution was presented to the Council. Melissa Baker made a motion to accept with Don Call seconding. All ayes.
Don Call made a motion to accept the donation of the Ester property with Melissa Baker seconding. All ayes.
Misc. Business:
Town Manager, John Ingram had some paving questions about the area around the Barlow building at the Park. He thinks some of the work could be done in house. Noel Houze stated that the Grant money should include and cover the work in question. Melissa Baker makes motion to adjourn with Don Call seconding. All ayes.
Meeting adjourned.