Meeting called to order by Paul Hildebrand, council President, on Monday September 8, 2014 at 6:30pm. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of August 10, 2014 were read. There being a correction to said minutes, they were approved.
Claims/Financials: After review of the utility bills presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Paul Hildebrand, seconded by Melissa Baker. Motion carried. After review of the town bills presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Paul Hildebrand, seconded by Melissa Baker. Motion Carried. Paul motions to pay the regional revenue claims, seconded by Baker.
Town Manager’s Report: Same presented by John Ingram, Town Manager.
Town Marshall’s Report: Same presented by Gary Skaggs, Town Marshall.
Milan Park Board Report: Yatzie not in attendance
Concerns/Comments from the public:
Chad Elliot brought up hydrant issues that the fire dept has been having. He believes that the caps on some of the hydrants are not coming off correctly. John states they check and seal the hydrants every few years, as well as having a flow reading done. Chad asks permission to have the fire dept go around and begin checking all hydrants to ensure they can get the caps off. Paul states he will be looking in the caps not working. John states he can give fire dept a map of all hydrants so they can check them.
Milan High School Band would like to raise money for band trip by having a 5K. They are not sure on exact details but will be contacting Todd Yates to see about using a known Cross Country track. October 11, 2014 is the tentative date. Melissa requests that the town marshal be notified and with his approval of route this shouldn’t be a problem. Paul asks how many people and they believe between 50-100 at $20.00 each. Paul moves to approve 5K and Melissa Seconds.
Ralph Jones would like to bring his street to attention. Many houses have large weeds that he would like to be addressed by the town. He also states that Preble and Washington Streets have 4 big pot holes. John states that he is aware of the houses and the town has already began the process.
Rita Ester states that the intersection of Josephine and Carr streets is looking very trashy. She states that a simple fence would make it look much better. Paul states he is going to speak with the business owner to see if they can work it out.
John states we are still waiting on patching and he is looking into several areas that are over grown.
Old Business:
Larry Eaton had a conference call with Judge and Lawyers and he has another call in 45 days to discuss the Dam Project. He would like the board to begin thinking of what money they can set aside for the project. Possible a percentage from the riverboat fund. Paul states he is not sure he wants to offer money to help pay. Larry says the town should offer something to aid the project.
Larry Eaton also discusses putting money into a foundation so that after the river boat fund is gone we still have a fund giving the town money every year.
The Squatter at 701 Wood St is still residing there. Larry states he will bring an order from the court to vacate the property.
New Business:
Paul moves to allow solicitation request and waive the fee, seconded by Melissa.
Paul moves to adjourn and Melissa Seconds.