Meeting called to order by Council President Paul Hildebrand, on Monday, October 14th, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. All town council members were present with the exception of Councilman Robert Branigan. All present joined in giving the Pledge to our Flag.
Meeting was opened with the reading of the Town of Milan’s 2014 Budget.
Minutes of September 9th, 2013 were read. There being no additions, corrections or deletions to said minutes, they were approved.
Claims/Financials: After review of the utility bills presented motion to accept and pay claims made by Matt Huffman, second by Paul Hildebrand. Motion carried. After review of the town bills presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Matt Huffman, second by Paul Hildebrand. Motion carried.
Town Manager’s Report: Same presented by John Ingram, Town Manager.
Town Marshal’s Report: Same presented by Gary Skaggs, Town Marshall.
Milan Park Board Report. None.
Concerns/Comments from the Public:
Jeff Davies was present on behalf of his parents Richard and Sandra Davies. Jeff
stated that his parents have a small farm on Conley Street and had torn down a few
buildings and requested to have an open burn. Council President Hildebrand made
motion to allow the open burn as long as it was just wood product. Matt Huffman
second, motion carried.
Phyliss Coe requested assistance with a building located on West Carr street that has a wall bowing out and is in disrepair. Town Attorney Larry Eaton will send a letter to the owner. Phyliss also commented on the new paving that was completed and thanked the town for doing the work.
Linda Baurley of the Milan Main Street Committee announced they were having a Christmas Parade on Saturday December 7th starting at 10am. The parade will start at the Milan Park at the entrance off of Mill Road, with the conclusion of the parade ending with Santa and Mrs Claus being taken to the Reservation. Linda asked that anyone who would be interested in being in the parade contact her at 654-3912.
Carla Kohlmeier was present with a complaint of 2 properties located next to the Methodist Church. Town Attorney Eaton to check title on both and Town Marshal Skaggs will take pictures and property owners will be notified to address the issues.
Angie Woessner was present with a complaint of a property located at the golf course, she also had a copy of the covenants for properties located there. It was asked if the Town would enforce the covenants. Town Attorney Eaton advised that the Town could not enforce the covenants and the surrounding property owners would have to seek action.
There was discussion on the dam project with no new information concerning the issue at this time.
Roselyn Mckittrick was present and commented on the positive things going on with the 54 museum and with the town. She stated that they had over 1700 visitors in the last couple of months and that on November 4th at 3PM LT Governor Sue Ellspermann would be having a short meeting at the museum.
Sally Gosmeyer was present and asked that when the town sent letters to property owners to clean up their properties was this being followed up on. It was discussed and the town does follow up as the town can afford to do so.
Heavy Trash pick up will be Saturday October 26th. Rumpke will be starting at 6AM so please have these items out the night before.
Halloween Trick or Treat will be Thursday October 31st from 5PM to 7PM
Support the Troops will be holding a fund raiser at the 4 Corners on Saturday November 23rd.
The Park Board has been approached by the school corporation about the possibility of taking over the front ball fields at the park, they would like to add a press box, new concessions, bleachers and restrooms. The school is also interested in the property where the old town hall was located next to the grade school. Council President Paul Hildebrand made a motion that the Town Board and the School Board meet with Attorney Eaton and see what kind of agreements could be made. Matt Huffman second, motion carried.
Councilman Matt Huffman made a motion to adjourn, Council President Hildebrand 2nd, motion so moved.